Other Pages

Here are some other pages & links related to Roger’s Math Whiteboard Most of these go to our old Wordpress.com site:

First of, you can find the source code for Roger's Math Whiteboard version 3.14159 here.

If you wish to get involved in this project, please see our Feedback page and use the form to contact the current project maintainer.

We now have two older websites out on the internet which you are welcome to view if you wish. Here they are:

  1. The Wordpress.com site that we used to explain the Electron-based version of Roger's Math Whiteboard, (Version 2.718.281.828) can be found here.

  2. The very old Google Sites site that we used to explain the original Chrome App version of Roger's Math Whiteboard can be found here.

Here is our Hardware Suggestions page.

If you would like to try Roger's Math Whiteboard without downloading anything you can try Roger's Math Whiteboard LITE right from your browser here.