Roger's Math Whiteboard Version 3.14159 Is Here!
Roger’s Math Whiteboard is a free, open-source, cross-platform, whiteboard program designed around the needs of STEM teachers. It is designed to streamline the process of teaching math and science on a smart board, touchscreen or other similar device. It can best be understood as a multi-page image editor built for presenting/teaching use. This allows teachers to easily import a PowerPoint presentation, draw on the surface of each slide, add/remove pages if needed, and eventually save the finished product as a set of images for later use or perhaps distribution to the students. This can be useful for both presenting content in class as well as working through student questions, perhaps in a flipped-classroom setting. Here is an animation that explains a few of the key features:
Too fast? Too small? Blurry? View as slideshow instead.
The current version of Roger's Math Whiteboard, (version 3.14159), should work on most modern versions of Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS. This is because it only requires Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge in order to operate. Ready to try it out? Great! Hop on over to our Download page. We hope you enjoy Roger's Math Whiteboard!